During sustainability consulting, we review how a company could better operate while serving the interests of the entrepreneur, employees, and the environment. We analyse the current business model and how it aligns with sustainable production and consumption (including circular economy). We support management in formulating and developing strategies. Additionally, we closely examine the impact of your organisation on global ESG goals and analyse what the company's sustainable development or SDG targets could be.

We also measure the company's greenhouse gas footprint and prepare a sustainability report.

The duration of the first consultation is approximately 2-3 hours.
Consultation fee €80/hr, first 45 minutes free.

One of the key foundations of a successful organisation is self-awareness of its values and a value-based operating model, the ability to set clear common goals, and create a supportive and inspiring work environment. We help you and your organisation to identify or bring out your most important values, create a culture that supports both the organisation and the development and collaboration of all employees.

We also review how the organisation's management culture could be further fine-tuned. If you struggle with setting clear and simple objectives, we can provide you with tools on how to set effective goals or review what could be improved in the existing ones.

The most valuable asset of an organisation is its employees. In order for employees to be happy and feel valued, it is the organisation's responsibility to provide them with an environment and opportunities that help individuals work enthusiastically, develop, and naturally achieve their potential. We help review and come up with ways to support your employees in achieving the best results.

We believe that companies that act with love ...

  • Are sustainable and purposeful in their actions
  • Are  open to development and learn from their challenges

  • Are are innovative and able to adapt to changes

  • Provide opportunities for growth for both leaders and specialists

  • Provide assurance that every employee is supported

We approach each service personally. The price of the service depends on the depth of the consultation.

  1. Assessment of the situation, review - identifying what activities in the company are going well and what could be improved
  2. Providing solutions, advising
  3. Creating action plans and training
  4. Checkpoint
  5. Compiling analysis
  6. Retro and future planning

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